HR Annabel- Reference


DNA CEA Carrier

OFA Results

Hips: Good Elbows: Normal

IGS- Carrier

MDR1 Status- Non Mutant/Clear

TNS and CL - Normal/Clear

Annie is fearless when she works stock. With a  strong eye and a keen sense of balance she is a great joy to work on the farm. From a young age, Annie figured out stock and she uses her mind just as much as she listens when working a group. Her mother is a proven worker from Brian Cash and her father is the direct littermate to Becca’s dad. She works well on stock with other dogs in brace work which is a real talent in my eyes. She has all this ability and yet she can kick back in the house and is a great dog to take camping. 


June 2019- Second place open cattle Olympia, WA

June 2019- Open Cattle title Olympia, WA

October 2018- 1st place open sheep ASCA

October 2018- Open sheep title Ashland, WA

February 2017- AHBA HTAD I title, 1st place and 2nd place Battleground, WA

June 2016- High combined Olympia, WA

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June 2016- Most promising started dog ASCW 

June 2016- High in trial Australian Shepherd Club of Washington 3 of 4 trials

June 2016- 1st place started ducks, sheep and cattle

June 2016- Open Duck title Olympia, WA

May 2016- Started Cattle title sheep and 2nd overall

May 2016- Started Sheep title Ashland, OR 

May 2016- Fourth place started sheep PM trial

May 2016- Second place started ducks PM trial

May 2016- Fourth place started ducks AM trial

May 2016- Started Ducks title ASCA Ashland, OR and 2nd overall

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Afternoon Cattle Annabel (29) copy.jpg

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